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Jason Chan, a retired counsellor, an ordinary human being, decided to share his extraordinary life experience. He is one of my dearest friends, whom I have known for decades, and is a person that I admire.

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The publish of this article has received the permission and consent from Jason Chan

A Rather Different World

CHAPTER 20    -   Matters To Follow Ten Years After Liver Transplant


January 27, 2025

There are a few things to follow up by the medical team ten years after liver transplant. It is because being on anti-rejection drugs for life, the capacity of the immunization system was compromised. With time, the risk of getting a certain kind of cancer rises. I was referred to the specialists for assessment for skin, mouth and colon cancer.


During my visit to the clinic after discharge from the hospital, I was told by the dietitian to always cover my skin in contact with sunlight with sunscreen. Sun Protection Factor (SPF) 30 is good enough usually. Higher numbers can be used for more intensive light. The effectiveness will level after number Sixty. My family doctor (Dr. Shih) advised me to use sunscreen even when I am out under a rainy or dim sky to protect from radiation. Organ transplant patients are sixty times higher to get skin cancer.


I started visiting a dermatologist and passed the assessments in the past two years. Encouraging feedback such as “Not an issue…” uplifting my self image regarding the red, dark and other tiny spots on my body were received. With slowing down in pace as well as on a light and simple diet, the dark aging spots on the face were becoming lighter in color.


At the same time, my dentist was requested to keep an eye on any unusual things inside my mouth apart from the teeth.


Three polyps were removed from my colon last Thursday during a colonoscopy. The waiting period is one and a half years for low risk, I guess, plus the interruption by hernia removal last October. Since now, colonoscopy is available every five years. I have no complaint under the care of the medical system. 


Colonoscopy requires thorough cleaning prior to the operation. Starting five days before, I could not eat beans, nuts and seeds to prevent the residues attaching to the wall of the colon. Nor could I dine on oily and spicy meals. Take three pills which facilitated bowel movement in the morning a day before the operation. Only clear nutritious fluid, no dairy products, was allowed for food within the thirty-six hours prior to operation. Solely reliance on water is a no no. Drinks with Epsom salts were consumed the night before and the next morning to further facilitate the removal of leftovers. 


In total I have drunk six liters of fluid, with beef broth or apple juice to warm water with a ratio of 1:2, and lost four pounds in five days. The process was smooth and with just a slight hardship. More time was available with less chores. Before the operation I told the doctor that there was not much to do with the excessive time if we don't need to eat. He could only respond to me with a smile.

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